Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA - The End of the World?

Almost.The Stop Online Pirating Act (or SOPA) builds on to the Protect IP Act (PIPA), and it sounds like something that's perfectly reasonable right? I mean, we all know pirates are bad, especially ones that are online! Unfortunately, all the fine print that follows this seemingly harmless bill's name is anything but that to the internet's regular users like you and I. Feel free to watch the video and read more in the links below to decide for yourself...

**Correction** - In the video's description, its creator says that he mistakenly labeled Activision as supporters of SOPA when they in fact are NOT. It was actually EA (Electronic Arts) who support it.
Watch it on YouTube

And if you somehow managed the impossible task of making your way to my blog before visiting Google then you need to see where they stand on the issue...

If you're feeling strongly opposed to these bills then be sure to sign the petition and share it with your friends.

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