Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Up and Coming Video Game Review Blog

If there's one thing I know about video games, it's that there can never be enough reviews for them. That's why I've decided to make my own blog doing just that. In addition to doing something I enjoy (and sharing my experiences and opinions about it) I hope it will become a useful tool for other gamers like yourself. While I am primarily a PC gamer and consequently a subscriber (which I'd have to recommend to all of you who game on the PC and aren't already long-time readers) I also find myself frequently holding an Xbox 360 controller and aiming down the sights of a FAMAS (my go-to weapon in all versions of CoD). And while I'm not always finding enough time in the day to utilize it, I do have access to a Wii, so there might be a few reviews sprouting up for those games from time to time as well. In fact, I might just write about whatever I feel like writing about, how does that sound?

Now you might be wondering how my relationship with video games first started, if not then I'm sorry but I'm going to tell you anyway :) . One of the very first games I remember playing was Duck Hunt on my Nintendo, I couldn't have been more than 8 years old at the time and I didn't know what could possibly be more fun that shooting virtual ducks with my 'Gun'. Around the same time I was also playing on a Sega Genesis, my favorites included Sonic the Hedgehog and an NFL game that I played with my brother for hours at a time. What really solidified my love for gaming though, were my first experiences with computer gaming. I was lucky enough to play the original Warcraft, Doom (I'm not going to lie, this game gave me nightmares after I watched my dad play it for the first time :*( then again, I'm not sure what 8 year old wouldn't have nightmares), Diablo, Starcraft and my first MMO  Everquest. Needless to say I've been hooked ever since.
Thank you all for reading my first post! There will be many more to come ;).

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